
  • Dot “The AI that grows with you.” I’ll admit I’m extremely bearish on AI assistants, so it was with a heavy dose of skepticism that I installed and tried Dot, but I was pleasantly surprised by the kind, supportive tone and interesting conversations I’ve had in the past few weeks. One downside is that currently Dot is iOS-only, which means you cannot continue interactions on macOS. This will change with Sequoia in the fall, when it’s possible to mirror iPhone to your Mac. Consider the experiment ongoing…
  • Tuneshine I’m such a sucker for bespoke, purpose-driven hardware ideas, especially when they involve a combination of software and funky displays. Tuneshine lights up your room with the album artwork from the songs you listen to, with support for various music services including Apple Music. It’s like a digital record album cover on the shelf in my office.
  • Record Club Speaking of music, I’m super excited about Record Club, the self-proclaimed “Letterboxd but for music”. I’ve missed the early-aughts days of eMusic and Rdio when I could easily discover new music from friends and strangers. Record Club seems like the perfect fit. Invitations are rolling out slowly, but I’m looking forward to the site growing rapidly over the coming months.
  • Still Wakes the Deep “December 1975. Disaster strikes the Beira D oil rig off the coast of Scotland.” While Still Wakes the Deep doesn’t exactly set out on a unique path to its horror—you’ll find a fairly typical “something went wrong and now everything is falling apart” setup at play here—walking the path is immersive and disturbing. Where it is most successful is in its narrative, vocal performances and gorgeous visuals, which come together to elevate that which might have otherwise been a simple, rote horror into something poetic, heartbreaking and moving.


Archived Custom Keyboard Builds on YouTube

Karbon Based is the internet home of Garrett Murray.

Garrett is the Founder & Managing Director of Karbon, a mobile apps design and development agency located in Portland, Oregon. His current interests include mechanical keyboards, video games, technology and photography. He lives with his wife, two children, and three pets.